M: 07730 683181

Why have I become so stressed?

Everyone suffers stress today and our ability to cope seems to vary considerably.  Some of us cope better than others.  Some cope differently at different times.  And some people cope with some sources of stress better than others.

Stress management helps us reduce our workload, improve our work/life balance, avoid situations that cause us stress and work it out of our bodies by going to the gym.  Most of the time these measures enable us to fluctuate within a normal range of arousal activation and retain a certain balance in our lives, (see below):

But managing stress has become utterly impossible because in everyday life we’re constantly bombarded by stress factors:

  • unrealistic deadlines at work
  • financial difficulties
  • difficulties in our relationships
  • the demands of our children
  • the shock of a relative being diagnosed seriously ill
  • the loss of a loved one

As a result we’re generally ‘fire fighting’ from one situation to the next, living in survival mode with fully charged survival systems.  Eventually our bodies are affected and we experience physical symptoms like muscular pain and tension, indigestion, headaches, poor sleep and exhaustion, (see below).

Using Somatic Experiencing (SE®) it is possible to reconnect to the natural mechanisms of balance and homeostasis you are born with.  Your body becomes empowered to work with the survival charge within and you slowly return to living within the normal range of arousal activation once again.

Stress management and resolution in Brighton & Hove

Feel free to get in touch for an integrated, holistic, neural-somatically aware approach to stress and trauma in Brighton & Hove.

Just call 07730 683181 for an informal chat or email me info@somatictao.co.uk